The Union County Emergency Management Agency (UCEMA) provides a variety of services to first responders, communities, and businesses around the county. some of these include:
- Traffic Control at Fires & Accidents
- Rehab Services for First Responders
- Emergency Lighting for Investigations
- Search/Support for Mass Casualty Incidents
- Portable Emergency Power Generation
- Support HAZMAT Mitigation & Decontamination
- Support Responders During Major Events
- Perform Damage Assessments
- Provide Temporary Shelters for County Agencies
- Provide Facilities for Responder Training
- Mobilize Field Units for Special Events
- Manage Public Safety for Local Parades
- Acquire Supplies for Supporting Responders
- Manage Inventory for Emergencies
- Partner with Amateur Radio Operators
- Maintain Multi-County Communications
- Maintain and Restock Our Trailers
- Maintain Our Response Vehicles
- Participate in Public Relations Events
- Sponsor Team Training & Certification
- Sponsor Community Training